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Franchisee Onboarding Questionnaire

By collecting the information requested below, Revscale Sales™ can create tailored outreach messaging that effectively communicate your company's value proposition and other necessary details needed to launch your campaign(s). After you have completed the onboarding questions below, you will be asked to schedule a time for your onboarding call where you will receive credentials to the Revscale Sales™ platform!

Were you referred to Revscale by someone / a company?

🙋🏽‍♂️ Your LinkedIn Profile

What is your first and last name?

Paste the LinkedIn profile URL you will be using

What is your role within the company?

What's your email?

What is the admin email associated with this Revscale account?

What job title/position do you typically interact with when discussing your product/service?

Are there any specific geographic regions you are targeting?

What are your primary goals for the sales campaign? (e.g., lead generation, brand awareness, customer acquisition, etc.)

What key performance indicators (KPIs) will you use to measure the success of the campaign?

Are there any specific offers or promotions you plan to include in the campaign

What does your typical customer journey look like?

Do you have any customer success stories or testimonials?

Are there any specific do's, don'ts, or other important information for your campaign?

List all company names to exclude from your LinkedIn outreach campaigns (existing clients, main competitors, etc.)

What job title/position do you typically interact with when discussing your product/service?

What is the #1 thing that most of your prospects are doing instead of using you to get the job done?

How do you get them to realize that #1 thing is bad?

What is the #2 thing that most of your prospects are doing instead of using you to get the job done?

How do you get them to realize that #2 thing is bad?

What are your discovery questions? What do you ask to find out if a prospect has a problem you solve?

What is your social proof (credibility) statement?

Do you have any free giveaways that you’re using to get leads?

What's the most valuable educational tip or thing you can give to prospects for free?

Are there any specific do’s, don'ts, or other important information we need to know for your campaign?

[BLACKLIST] List all company names we should exclude from your LinkedIn outreach campaigns (existing clients, main competitors, etc)

📆 Enter your meeting booking URL that you would like Revscale to use to book meetings with prospects (Calendly, HubSpot, etc.)